buAt bODo suDaaaa....

buAt bODo suDaaaa....
i'M tiReD oF tELLing, SCreAminG aND sHOuTinG aBOut iT..AnD thiS, wiLL bE a SiMpLe Way tO eXPReSS aLL bOUt iT!!~


Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

aDer seSapeR yaNg nAk ikUt?

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

2.2.11 → I'M nOt oKAy

people said i'm weird...i'm offended...it's not like over defensive...it just make me feel awkward....

i know i'm not pretty.....i'm not white and clean....i'm wear t-shirt and jeans....not being girly.....

i want you to accept me juz the way i am....

God have mercy, please give and show the light to me...

oh God...


cLicK² → ChURp²